Saturday , March 29 2025
Rashtriya Military School Belgaum

Rashtriya Military School Belgaum: Academics


  • Rashtriya Military School Belgaum is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.
  • The School follows an Academic curriculum as per the CBSE directives issued from time to time.
  • RMS Belgaum prepares the cadets for the following examinations conducted by the CBSE:
    • All India Secondary School Examination (at the end of Class X)
    • All India Senior School Certificate Examination (at the end of Class XII)
    • Union Public Service Commission Examination for admission to the National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Pune & Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala.

The school follows the following combination of Languages for classes VI to VIII:

English: First Language
Hindi: Second Language
Sanskrit: Third Language

  1. The Subjects Offered for classes IX and X are English (Communicative), Hindi / Malayalam, Mathematics, Social Science, General Science and Art / Craft.
  2. The subjects offered for Classes XI and XII are English (Core), Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Computer Science, Economics, Accountancy and Business Studies.

Examinations & Promotions

For Classes VI to VIII, three periodic exams and one Annual exam is held every year.

From the academic session 2011-12 onwards, as the students should not be held back or expelled till completion of elementary education as per current policy, the students who have obtained Grade E1 or E2 in one or more subjects during the orientation period will be given special training and allowed to improve their performance in Summative Assessment – II through subsequent ONE ATTEMPT.

As there is no declaration of ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ ,cadets failing to qualify for promotion once during the ‘Orientation Period’ (i.e. classes VI, VII and VIII) are condoned by permitting the cadet to repeat the class in which he fails to qualify for promotion. If a student fails to qualify for promotion after the ‘Orientation Period’, he should be withdrawn.



  • 70% Seats: Wards of JCOs / or, Serving and Retired of Army and their equivalent in Navy and Air Force.
  • 30% Seats: Wards of Officers of three Services and Civilians combined.
  • 15%: for SC candidate in each category.
  • 7½%: for ST candidate in category.

Conditions / Eligibility

  • Qualification: For Admission To Class Vi, Ix And Xi, The Candidate Should Have Passed Class V, VIII And X Respectively From A Recognized School At The Time Of Admission.
  • Medical: Candidate Should Be Medically Fit As Declared By Medical Board At The Time Of Admission.
  • Entrance Test: A Common Entrance Test On All India Basis For Class Vi And Ix Is Conducted In The Month Of Dec Each Year Followed By Interview At Respective Military Schools, For Which Weight-age Has Been Laid Down. Admission To Class Xi Is Based On Class X Board Exam Results. No Written Exam Will Be Held For Admission To Class Xi.
  • Results: Dte Gen Of Mil TRG (MT-15) Evaluates And Prepares The Merit List Of Successful Candidates.
  • Parents Of Successful Candidates Are Intimated Directly By Army Hq To Join The School.

Fee / Caution Fee

  • Entitled
    Wards Of Jcos & Equivalent (Retd / Serving) Rs 7,200 Per Annum
    Wards Of Or & Equivalent (Retd / Serving) Rs 4,800 Per Annum
  • Non Entitled
    Wards Of Officers (Incl Retd) Rs 15,000 Per Annum
    Wards Of Civilians Rs 24,000 Per Annum

Note: For SC / ST (Excluding Officers) 25% Of The Fee Is Payable For Kia In Entitled Category Fee Is Exempted.

Syllabus / Selection


The CET written test will generally be of Class V level for admission to Class VI and Class VIII level for admission to Class IX. Medium for answering the question is English and Hindi for Class VI and only English for Class IX.


Those candidates who qualify in the written test and are short-listed will be called for the interview at one of the Rashtriya Military Schools. Marks of the interview will be added to the score of the written test before deciding the final merit. No TA/DA or any other allowance is admissible for journeys undertaken for the interview.


Merit List of the successful candidates and the allotment of School will be declared by the Integrated Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence (IHQ of MOD) / MT-15. No separate intimation will be sent to the unsuccessful candidates. The final results will be available on the website and on army intranet.

Final Selection:

Candidates selected in the order of merit on the basis of total marks secured by them in the written test and the interview will be admitted to different Rashtriya Military Schools based on the availability of vacancies, medical fitness and reservation norms. Qualified candidates will be allotted Schools purely on merit and vacancies.

Medical Fitness:

All candidates are required to undergo medical fitness examination before admission to the Rashtriya Military Schools as per norms/criteria specified in the AFMSF-2 and only in the hospital a candidate has mentioned in the application form. The medical examination will be carried out at only one of the listed hospitals mentioned under the head ‘List of Hospitals for Conduct of Medical Test.’ Candidates found medically unfit by the board of officers at listed hospitals will not be admitted. The candidate will also be required to remain medically fit during the course of his stay at Rashtriya Military Schools. The admission of the candidate will be provisional until fitness certificate is received from the hospital. No change in medical exam centre is allowed.

Address: Rashtriya Military School Belgaum – Camp Area, Belgavi 590009 Karnataka India
Phone: 0831 – 2407531 / 0831-2407530
School Prospectus – 3MB PDF

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