Tuesday , March 25 2025
Rashtriya Military School Ajmer

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer: Infrastructure and Activities

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer: Academics

Rashtriya Military Schools are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).The medium of instruction is English but Hindi is a compulsory language of study upto class X. Instructions are imparted in various subjects from Classes VI to X viz: English, Hindi, Mathematics, Sanskrit, Physics and Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Art and Handicraft (Wood Work), Physical and Health Education and Computer Fundamentals.


Courses of study for class XI and XII are as under: Science Stream: English Core, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology / Informatics Practices.

Note: The School does not have Humanities & Commerce Stream.

Exam and Promotions

For exams and promotion of the cadets, the new scheme ‘Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation’ (CCE) formulated by the CBSE is being adopted for classes VI to X. Whereas for Class XI and XII the examination system is as per CBSE norms.

Co-curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities play an important part in the development of a cadet. Training is imparted to the cadets through varied activities such as Photography, Dramatics, Art, Wood Work, Music, Science, Debating, Elocution, Declamation and Gardening are organised with the aim of helping cadets to make an appropriate use of their spare time. The scheme provides ample scope for the development of a cadet’s creative faculties and skills in fine arts and crafts.

NDA Aspirants

Since RMSA has grown with the laudable aim of grooming children from different walks of life for the Armed Forces through NDA, it has once again attempted to fulfill this task commendably by fielding 43 cadets for facing SSB this year. 13 cadets qualified in the written paper out of which 13 appeared for SSB.

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer: Classroom

With the tremendous developments in the field of education and educational infrastructure, the Rashtriya Military Schools too have developed their infrastructural facilities to match the best available. State-of-art equipment and buildings are slowly augmenting the existing facilities. The Schools offer the best facilities of residential public schools with all the amenities made available to the Cadets.

The Daily routine of the Rashtriya Military Schools have come to establish themselves as important traditions of the schools. While the day is planned so as to get the Cadets to live an active campus-life due heed is also paid to have ample scope for rest, leisure and individual time.

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer: Sports

The academic growth of the Cadets at Rashtriya Military Schools is substantially augmented with a wide range of sports and games embedded within the curriculum. The Schools have facility for pursuance of almost all sports and games. The Cadets are encouraged to actively participate in games and sports and specialized coaching is imparted by trained Army personnel. The academic calendar of the school schedules a number of sporting events and competitions, to create in the cadets the required competitive edge. The Schools provide facilities for daily games in Football, Hockey, Cricket, Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Boxing and Athletics. Daily morning P.T. is compulsory for the Cadets.

RMS Ajmer has its own sporting history. The indomitable spirit was once again felt on every field boys entered; ‘grit and never say die attitude’ was evident on every sportsman’s face. Each performance was distinct in various tournaments held in the city and outside Ajmer.

Co-curricular activities play an important part in the training imparted to the cadets. The schools provide an ample scope for the development of the students creative skills in fine arts and crafts. Varied activities of Photography, Dramatics, Art, Wood Work, Music, Debating, Elocution and Declamation are organised with the aim of helping cadets to make an intelligent use of their leisure time.

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer: Hostels

Cadets reside in Houses. The Houses are the intrinsic units of the schools but each house has its own motto and colour which gives each one of them a separate identity and house spirit. The Cadets are distributed equally in all houses. Each house has a Hostel Superintendent and a warder to look after the personal comforts & welfare of the Cadets. Each house is provided with a Dish TV set for recreation of cadets.

The cadets are not allowed to keep any valuables with them, such as, expensive wrist watches, gold rings and gadgets such as mobiles, laptops, camera, pen drives, ATM cards etc. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any such article if kept in the House.

Cadets will not be allowed to keep any cash. If found, it will be confiscated and deposited in their Pocket Money Account. No money order will be accepted in the name of cadets. Parents/ guardians are requested not to give any cash to their wards. Cadets are not allowed to keep accounts in the local Banks or Post Office. The defaulters will invite disciplinary action.

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer: Hospital

The School has an eight bedded hospital with a part time Medical Officer assisted by two Nursing Assistants. Special care is taken for health of cadets. Detailed medical history charts are maintained for the individual cadet and a careful and accurate periodical record of height, weight and chest measurement is kept. Medical inspection of the cadets is also carried out periodically.

The cadets who need special treatment are referred to other hospitals (JLN Hospital, Ajmer and Military Hospital, Nasirabad) having requisite facilities. Payment, if any, is collected from the cadets’s pocket money.

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer: Mess

The Schools provide to the cadets well-balanced, and nourishing diet. The cadets are served three meals a day in addition to milk in the morning and tea & snacks in the forenoon and afternoon. The daily menu invariably includes fresh fruit, milk, butter, jam, eggs, cereals, vegetables and meat / fish / chicken. Separate arrangement exists for vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Cadets are required to follow School discipline meticulously. Younger cadets are guided and helped by the senior cadets to learn to live in a disciplined way.

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer: Library & Info Complex

The School has a well stocked library. Books of all sorts, especially pertaining to defence forces, NDA examination and those which can help in developing reading habits to cadets are in sufficient numbers. The Reference Section has books which can help the boys in taking various examinations. Many types of newspapers and periodicals are also subscribed in the library. One english Newspaper is provided to each cadet on subsidized rates.

Computer Training

The School has facilities for computer training. The Computer Club is fully functional. Cadets of this club go to the computer centre to learn the use of computers. There are 150 computers in the two Computer Laboratories which are well equipped. Informatics Practices can also be offered as a subject in Class XI and XII Science.

Address: Rashtriya Military School Ajmer, Ajmer 305001 Rajasthan, India
Phone: 0145-2624105 / +91 8003291989 / +91 1452624105
E-mail: rashtriyamilitaryschoolajmer@gmail.com
School Prospectus – 3MB PDF

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