Saturday , March 29 2025

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer: Principal’s Message

Rashtriya Military School Ajmer: Principal’s Message

Dear Parents / Visitors,

I am privileged and honored to reach out to all the members of our fraternity through this website. I feel humble and honored on taking over the command of this prestigious institution of Indian Army which has a glorious past to reckon with.

It is indeed an onerous challenge and I consider it my sacrosanct duty to pursue this legacy, the essence of which is hard work and perseverance in achieving our goals. I, along with my dedicated staff, intend to steer this great institution to greater heights of success to produce the future leaders on whose shoulders the responsibility of this great nation can be rested.

Education must result in purifying one’s perception. It has to develop and coordinate moral and spiritual urges and ensure good character. The need of the time is to improve the standards of education and incorporate high qualities of moral, ethical and spiritual values, for it is only through the assimilation of such virtues that one can lead a gratifying and blissful life.

I am reminded of the words of Theodore Roosevelt which I quote:

To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.

RMSA continues to uphold traditional values while adopting contemporary infrastructure and pedagogies.

Values are what define a person, it is the most important aspect in life and needless to say our school helps in building the character.

Today we have great hopes from our cadets, as we impart the right education to them, with the right mental attitude and moral values. A pivotal role of education lies in shaping the personality of a child into a healthy mind and happy soul, who is not only equipped with 21st century skills and aptitude required for academic excellence but is also endowed to face the challenges of life in a balanced and harmonious way.

In our pursuit of excellence, I appreciate our parent fraternity for supporting the school in every aspect.
I also laud the relentless efforts of our teachers for giving their best in bringing out the best in each child.
But I would exhort the students to be always modest, humble and disciplined, while being ready to expand the horizons of their knowledge and skills by dreaming big and working hard.

It is said that knowledge is not enough without the salt of humanity. Character is what is stressed on, for above all it is character which makes a man.

Character stands for self discipline, loyalty, readiness to accept responsibility and willingness to admit mistakes.

We aim to provide suitable ground to all those creative minds that brim with ingenuity and creativity.

We hope that the young cadets will continue to display the same exuberance and earnestness in the years to come.

My best wishes to all the members of Rashtriya Military School, Ajmer.

May God be with us!

Lieutenant Colonel Amit Dagar

Address: Rashtriya Military School Ajmer, Ajmer 305001 Rajasthan, India
Phone: 0145-2624105 / +91 8003291989 / +91 1452624105
School Prospectus – 3MB PDF

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