Monday , March 31 2025
Dr. Akshay Vasudev

Magnificent Benevolence by Dr. Akshay Vasudev and Family

Here is an impressive example of the Georgian Spirit prevailing through successive generations and proving to be ubiquitous force that not only binds us together but acting as a perennial source of inspiration and pride.

1. Its the year-long dialogue between the Principal, RMS Ajmer, (First Party) the family of Late Maj Gen Ashok Kumar Vasudev, AVSM, celebrated Old Boy of the school; led by his son Dr Akshya Vasudev (Second Party) that commenced in Apr 2017 has finally culminated in a landmark MOU between the two parties. The highlights of the MOU include:

  • Dr Akshay Vasudev has been hugely benevolent by committing to remit an amount of Rupees Forty Lakhs to the school in, to be hereinafter called, Gen Vasudev Endowment Fund. It will be paid in a phased manner over a period of 30 years starting from 02 Apr 2018, the date of the agreement.
  • The Principal will open an account as Gen Vasudev Endowment Fund; wherein Dr Vasudev will transfer/deposit an amount of Rs One Lakh, or as desired, in Indian Currency in the said account, in the month of April every year. In the long years of its operation, the second Party, if it so desires, may increase or decrease the contributory amount at its sole discretion.
  • Gen Vasudev Endowment Fund will be utilized by the Principal in consultation with the Board of Patrons (Board of Patrons would consist of distinguished Alumni who would advise/ guide and assist the Principal in development of the school and proper utilization and accounting and periodic audit of the said account and other accounts funded by the Alumni)
  • This fund will be specifically utilized by the school for the purpose of preparing the cadets of Rashtriya Military School, Ajmer for entrance to National Defence Academy (NDA); be it the written examination and/or coaching for appearing in the Services Selection Boards, thereafter. The expenses will include, but not limited to, the payment to the additional instructors/mentors hired for dedicated training of the cadets for UPSC written examination and coaching/guidance for the interviews at Services Selection Boards.
  • The account will be audited yearly by a Chartered Accountant and the state of audited accounts will be sent by the Principal every year to Dr Akshay Vasudev, President Ajmer Georgian Association and the Board of Patrons.

2. A detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), covering all aspects enumerated in the MOU, will be drafted by the Principal for the smooth management of the fund by him and his successors.

3. Many grateful thanks to Mrs Veena Vasudev w/o Gen Ashok Vasudev and their family for their benevolence and genuine care for the Alma Mater of their beloved father. Here we must specifically mention Gen SB Akali, Lt Gen SN Handa, Brig Veer Pratap (a close associate of Late Gen Vasudev), Col Vinod Kochar, Col OP Yadav, Mr KS Ram, Col Ajit Rana, Col Yash Pal Yadav, Mr Rambir Sangwan and many other members of the Georgian fraternity for their very valuable suggestions which helped the patrons in their deliberations and in reaching a commonly acceptable understanding.

Given below is a brief tribute by his family to the distinguished Gen Ashok Kumar Vasudev. On behalf of the GAA, an invitation has been extended to Mrs Veena Vasudev and family to kindly visit the school at their convenience. GAA will again request them to try and make it on the coming Annual Day/Prize Distribution day and we are hopeful they will kindly oblige.

Maj Gen Ashok Kumar Vasudev was born on March 28th 1944 in Jhelum, Punjab to parents who loved him very much. As the only son, he had great responsibilities, yet he was forever immersed in sharing his love with his three sisters, a multitude of friends and relatives.

He grew up to be an officer of strong character who would be strong physically and mentally yet caring and loving. His integrity, spiritual approach to life and being well read helped him gain respect of his service men, fellow officers as well as seniors. He espoused vanity going up the ranks quickly whilst remaining a devoted husband and a father idolized by his two sons. He was unlike any other officer of his time as he touched not a drop of alcohol, ate not a piece of meat, he cared not for any abuses coming his way for he was so strong of character that his reputation preceded him before any of his postings. He valiantly fought for his country and led his men through difficult operations on numerous occasions in India and abroad through his career. He understood spirituality fully knowing that a Fauji’s karma is performing one’s duty towards his men, officers, regiment and country. Starting as an Air OP pilot, he joined the Artillery Corps early on and rose to the rank of a Major General; forming and commanding the first ever Artillery Division of the country, won a number of gallantry awards and was conferred the Ati Vishist Seva Medal by the President of India.

His family learnt how to cope with any new situation by emulating his strength of character. Being outdoor was his nature and his two sons loved being out with their dad and mother nature. Organizing the best picnics and vacations, and offering his unconditional love, he knew what kept a family together. All who knew him remember him as a devoted person, fun-loving, warm-hearted, caring individual who would go to great lengths to help anyone needing it.

His body was taken away by cancer on the 16th of February 2008, yet his soul was liberated a long time before death itself. He leaves a legacy of warmth, love and character remembered by thousands who knew of him.

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